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Friday, March 25, 2011

Allergy And Symptoms

Allergies are reactions that the body occurs when it encounters a substance that it is not used to. The substance, called allergens may be swallowed, 
inhaled, or may have come into contact with the skin. The body will normally learn to create a defense against allergies by coming into contact with them and then developing a defense against the underlying causes.

There are many different symptoms of allergies including the following:

1. Itchy eyes, itchy nose, and itchy throat.

2. Watery eyes

3. Coughing and postnasal drip

4. Allergic shiners

5. Sneezing, which is often followed by a clogged nose

6. Conjunctivitis

There are three different skin tests that can be performed to determine if you actually have allergies or not:

1. Patch Test - Used to look for substances that might be causing dermatitis. The suspected allergen causing the problems is put on the skin and covered with a bandage for 48 hours. If the patient is actually allergic, then the skin will turn red and peel.

2. Intradermal test - Uses a syringe to put the allergen extract into the upper most layer of skin in the arm - this will cause a small bubble on the skin to surface.

3. Prick Method - Common type of skin test. Test is done by placing a drop of allergen extract on the skin. If the patient is allergic to the allergen a hive will start to appear within ten to fifteen minutes.

If you're diagnosed with having allergies, then there are many treatments you can follow including:

- Keeping all windows and doors closed during heavy pollen seasons

- Using air filters

- Using dehumidifiers

- Not allowing dander producing animals into the house

- Washing sheets, blankets, and mattress pads weekly in hot water

- Reading and completely understanding your food labels

- Staying indoors in the mornings

If those methods do not help to keep your allergies away than there is also many prescription and over-the-counter medications you can take to help control your allergies:- Nasal Sprays - Nasal sprays is one of the most popular solutions to allergies. It involves spraying the substance into your nose to mute the inflammatory response. There are many different medications you can choose from including Flonase, Nasonex, and Nasocort.- Antihistamines - Antihistamines run a close second to popularity as treatment for allergies. When taken in combination with nasal sprays, they can really help to significantly reduce or even eliminate allergies completely. Drugs such as Claritin and Zyrtec are available over-the-counter and can really help to eliminate allergies all together.
Just remember, a lot of common causes and reasons you're receiving allergies on a daily basis is what you put yourself around. There may be certain animals, foods, and hairs that significantly set off and cause problems to your allergies - you should work to minimize your exposure to these problems on an everyday basis.Always consult with your doctor or health professional before making any chances to your health.Spring and summer are great seasons without allergies - work on eliminating them from your life!

Reference By: S Millson


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